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Criminal Records
This superb nationwide search is included in all of our Background Checks?in combination with our state and county databases hand-searches, our National Criminal Records Report tracks down all available criminal records.
When available, records can be searched either by accessing free public records online via the record holders database or by requesting a copy from the agency holding the record - usually for a small fee.? Or, you can check out someone's criminal background online?right now using our connections to a worldwide network of databases.

Alabama Court Records Court records of statewide felony convictions since 1985. These records contain information submitted to the State by courts from each county and other criminal justice agencies. Results show the disposition date, county, defendant name, DOB, race, sex, SSN, charges and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Alabama Sex Offender Records? predators and violent sex offenders sentenced since September 1999. Records updated monthly.

Alaska Court Records Court records of statewide felony and misdemeanor convictions since 1983. Results show the disposition date, county, defendant name, DOB, charges and offense. Records updated quarterly.
Alaska Sex Offender Records All sex offenders sentenced since August 1994. Records updated monthly

Arizona Court Records Court records of statewide felony and misdemeanor dispositions from all counties except Pima and Maricopa since 1987. Results show the file date, disposition date, county, case number, defendant name, DOB, race, sex, charges dispositions and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Arizona Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide felony criminal convictions and guilty pleas on persons who have been sentenced to serve time at a state facility since 1985. Results show the date of crime, county of offense, defendant name, DOB, race, sex, height, weight, charges and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Pima County (metro Tucson) Court Records Court records of felony and misdemeanor dispositions since 1990. Search results show the case number, defendant name, DOB, race, sex, charges disposition, date and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Arizona Sex Offender Records Level 2 and Level 3 Sex offenders sentenced since June 1996. Records updated monthly.

Arkansas Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide felony criminal convictions on persons who have been sentenced to serve time at a state facility since 1987. Results show the defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county, arrest date, charges disposition date, disposition and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Arkansas Court Records Court records of statewide felony and state-level misdemeanor dispositions since 1987. These records contain information submitted to the state by courts from each county and other criminal justice agencies. Results show the defendant name, DOB, race, sex, height, weight, county, date of crime, charges and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Riverside Co. (Including Indio Div.) Superior Court Superior Court filings of felony and misdemeanor charges since 1991. Search results show the defendant name, DOB, case number, file date, and charges. Note: These are filings ONLY, not dispositions. Records updated quarterly.

Los Angeles Co. Superior Court Superior Court records of felony case filings since 1979. This database is an index of case filings only; no dispositions are shown. Search results show the defendant name, DOB, case number, charges, statute, level of offense, hearing date and location of court where case was set for hearing. Records updated monthly.

San Bernardino Co. Superior Court Superior Court filings of felony and misdemeanor charges since 1997. Search results show the defendant name, DOB, case number and file date. Note: These are filings ONLY, not dispositions. Records updated quarterly.

Ventura Co. Superior Court Superior Court filings of felony and misdemeanor charges since 1995. Search results show the defendant name, DOB, case number, disposition date and disposition description. Records updated monthly.

Colorado Court Records Statewide felony and misdemeanor dispositions, including traffic cases from 1995 - Dec. 31, 2000, from District and County Courts. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, offense date, offense description, disposition, disposition date, case number, county of disposition and sentence.

NOTE: THESE RECORDS ARE FROM ALL COLORADO DISTRICT COURTS BUT DO NOT INCLUDE MISDEMEANOR RECORDS FROM DENVER COUNTY COURT. Due to court policy, these records cannot be updated. Colorado Sex Offender Records? predators and violent offenders sentenced or released since July 1991. Records updated monthly.

Connecticut Court Records Court records of statewide felony and misdemeanor dispositions including motor vehicle citations dating to 1990; felonies date to 1989. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, court jurisdiction, offense date, offense description, arresting agency, disposition date, disposition and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Connecticut Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide felony criminal convictions and guilty pleas on persons who have been sentenced to serve time at a state facility since 1972. Records include name, DOB, sex, height, weight, hair color, eye color, case number, charge class, charge, statute, file date, sentence date, sentence and release date. Records updated monthly.

Connecticut Sex Offender Records? offenders released into the community on or after October 1, 1988. Records updated monthly.


Delaware Sex Offender Records Sex offenders convicted after June 24, 1994. Records updated monthly.

Florida Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide criminal convictions and guilty pleas (mainly felonies) on persons who have been sentenced to serve time or community service, or have received a suspended sentence or probation at a state facility since 1974. These records include persons guilty of felonies and some state-level misdemeanors. Results show the defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county, arrest date, charges disposition date, disposition and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Florida Courts Circuit and District Court records of felony and misdemeanor cases disposed in 50 of 67 counties (excluding Brevard, Broward, Duval, Escambia, Flagler, Hillsborough, Liberty, Nassau, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pinellas, Putnam, Saint Johns, St. Lucie, Sarasota, Seminole, Suwannee) since 1989. Results include name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county of offense, charges disposition, disposition date and sentence date. Records updated twice yearly.

Broward County (metro Ft. Lauderdale) Court Records Court records of felony and misdemeanor dispositions from 1975. Search results show the defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, file date, charges disposition, disposition date and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Dade Co. (metro Miami) Court Records Court records of felony and misdemeanor convictions since 1980. Search results show the file date, case number, defendant name, DOB, race, sex, charges disposition, disposition date and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Duval Co. (metro Jacksonville) Court Records Court records of misdemeanor and felony dispositions dating back to 1990. Results show name, DOB, race, sex, case number, arrest date, charges, disposition, and disposition date. Records updated monthly.

Hillsborough Co. (metro Tampa) Court Filings Records of court filings on felony and misdemeanor charges since 1988. Search results show the defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, file date and charges. Note: These are filings ONLY, not dispositions. Records updated monthly.

Orange Co. (metro Orlando) Court Records Court records of felony and misdemeanor dispositions since 1990. Search results show the defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, file date, charges sentence date and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Palm Beach Co. (metro Palm Beach) Court Records Court records of misdemeanor and felony dispositions dating back to 1990. Results show name, DOB, race, sex, case number, charges arrest date, disposition and disposition date. Records updated monthly.

Pinellas Co. (metro St. Petersburg/Clearwater) Court Records Court records of felony dispositions since 1990. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, charges disposition, disposition date and sentence. Records updated quarterly.

Florida Sex Offender Records? predators and violent offenders sentenced since July 1993. Records updated monthly.

Georgia Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide felony criminal convictions and guilty pleas on persons who have been sentenced to serve time or community service, or have received a suspended sentence, parole or probation at any state facility since 1970. These records include persons guilty of felonies and some state-level misdemeanors.

Results show the defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county, charges arrest date, disposition date, disposition and sentence. Records updated monthly. Georgia Sex Offender Records All sex offenders sentenced since July 1996. Records updated monthly.

Corrections records of statewide records of persons convicted of felonies and sentenced to serve time in a state facility, probation, parole or suspended sentence since pre-1990. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, court jurisdiction, offense description, sentence date, sentence. Records updated twice annually.

Illinois Corrections Records Corrections records since 1980 for Illinois statewide felony convictions on persons found guilty and sentenced to serve time and/or subsequent probation in a state penal institution. Includes probation and parole information where applicable. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, offense date, offense description, disposition, disposition date, county of disposition and sentence. Records updated quarterly.

Cook Co. (metro Chicago) Court Records Court records of felony, misdemeanor, code violations and traffic cases filed since 1984. Includes only disposed cases. Search results show the case number, defendant name, (aliases when available), DOB, race, sex, charges, level of offense, disposition, disposition date and sentence. Records updated weekly.

Illinois Sex Offender Records All sex offenders sentenced since January 1994. Records updated monthly.

Indiana Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide criminal records on persons who have been convicted of felonies and sentenced to serve jail time since 1985. These records include persons guilty of felonies and some state-level misdemeanors.

Results show the defendant name, DOB (month and year only), race, sex, case number, county, charges sentence date and sentence. Records updated monthly. Indiana Sex Offender Records All sex offenders sentenced since July 1996. Records updated monthly.

Iowa Corrections Records Corrections records of felony and high-level misdemeanor records on persons sentenced to serve time in a state correctional institution since 1982. Records show name, DOB, race, sex, county, charge, level of offense, file date and sentence date. Records updated monthly.

Iowa Probation Records Probation records on all offenders currently on probation under the jurisdiction of the state probation office for offenses committed since 1975. Records show name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county/jurisdiction, charge, file date and sentence. Records updated quarterly.

Iowa Sex Offender Records At-risk sex offenders sentenced since July 1995. Records updated monthly.

Kansas Corrections Records Corrections records of persons convicted of felony and gross misdemeanor offenses and sentenced to serve time in a state correctional facility since 1981 or placed on probation and those who have been released or paroled. Records include name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county of offense, level of offense, offense description, statute and disposition date. Records updated monthly.

Kansas Sex Offender Records All sex offenders and violent criminals sentenced since July 1997. Records updated monthly.

Kentucky Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide criminal records on persons who have been convicted of felonies as defined by Kentucky state law and sentenced to serve jail time since 1979. Results show the date of crime, county of crime, sentence date, case number, name, DOB, race, sex, charges and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Kentucky Sex Offender Records All sex offenders sentenced since July 1994. Records updated monthly.

Louisiana Sex Offender Records All sex offenders/predators convicted since July 1997. Records updated monthly.

Corrections records of statewide felony and state-level misdemeanor convictions on persons who have been sentenced to serve time at a state facility since 1992. Results show the defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county, date of crime, charges sentence and release date. Records updated quarterly.

Maryland Sex Offender Records All sex offenders convicted on or after July 1, 1997 and those who were convicted earlier and in custody or under supervision as of October 1, 2001. Records updated monthly.

Michigan Corrections Records Corrections records of Michigan statewide felony convictions on persons who have been sentenced to serve time in a state institution or probation since pre-1965.

Results show name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county of crime, charges sentence date and sentence. Records updated bi-monthly. Michigan Sex Offender Records All sex offenders sentenced since August 1994. Records updated monthly.

Minnesota BCA Records Administrative records of statewide criminal convictions on persons who have been convicted of felonies and/or gross misdemeanors as defined by Minnesota state law and sentenced to serve jail time, probation, parole or suspended sentence since 1982. Results show the disposition date, arresting agency, case number, defendant name, DOB, race, sex, charges dispositions and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Minnesota Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide felony criminal convictions on persons who have been sentenced to serve time at a state facility since pre-1980. Records include name, DOB, sex, race, driver's license number, offender status, charge county, charge description, statute, sentence date, sentence description and release date. Records updated monthly.

Minnesota Sex Offender Records All sex offenders sentenced since July 1991. Records updated monthly.

Mississippi Sentencing Records Sentencing records of felony convictions from all county Circuit Courts since 1976 of persons sentenced to probation or time in a state institution; includes records on parolees. Search results show name, DOB, race, sex, charge, county of offense, disposition, disposition date, sentence, probation or parole status and related dates. Records updated monthly.

Hinds Co. (metro Jackson) Court Records Court records of felony and misdemeanor cases disposed since 1982. Search results show the defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, charges disposition, disposition date and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Mississippi Sex Offender Records All sex offenders sentenced since July 1994. Records updated monthly.

Corrections records of statewide felonies on persons who have been sentenced to serve time in a state institution, probation, community service or diversion since 1975. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county of offense, offense date, offense description, disposition date and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Montana Corrections Records Corrections records of persons who have been convicted of felony and state misdemeanor offenses and sentenced to serve time or suspended sentence in a state correctional facility since 1986. Records include name, DOB, race, sex, height, weight, case number, county of offense, sentence, sentence date and release date. Records updated quarterly.

Montana Sex Offender Records Adult sex offenders, juvenile sex offenders court-ordered or juveniles convicted as an adult and sentenced or in custody since July 1, 1989. Records updated monthly.

Nebraska Corrections Records Corrections records of felony and high-level misdemeanor records on persons sentenced to serve time in a state correctional institution since 1976. Records show name, DOB, race, sex, county, charge, level of offense, sentence and sentence date. Records updated monthly.

Nebraska Sex Offender Records High-risk (Level 3) sex offenders sentenced since January 1997. Records updated monthly.

Corrections records on persons who have been convicted of felonies and state-level misdemeanors and sentenced to serve time in a state correctional institution since pre-1990. Results show defendant name, month and year of birth, race, sex, case number, county of disposition, offense description, sentence and sentence date. Updates pending since February 2002.

New Hampshire
New Hampshire Sex Offender Records Every? offender or offender against children convicted since 1996. Records updated monthly.

New Jersey
New Jersey Courts Records Superior Court records of statewide felony cases disposed since 1984. Results include case number, name, DOB, charges county of offense, disposition, disposition date and sentence date. Records updated bi-monthly.

New Jersey Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide felony convictions of persons incarcerated in all state facilities since 1970, including those who have been released or paroled. Results show defendant name, DOB, sex, offense description, case number, county of offense, sentence date and release or parole date. Records updated semi-annually (July & December).

New Jersey Sex Offender Records Medium and high-risk sex offenders sentenced since January 1991. Records updated monthly.

New Mexico
New Mexico Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide felony and misdemeanor convictions of cases disposed since 1996. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, FBI number, case number, charge county, charge class, charge description, disposition date, disposition and sentence. Records updated monthly.

New Mexico Sex Offender Records All adult sex offenders convicted on or after July 1, 1995 and all sex offenders convicted prior to July 1, 1995 who on that date were incarcerated, on probation or parole. Records updated monthly.

New York
New York Boroughs Court Records Court records of felonies AND misdemeanors (1985 - March 31, 2000) from Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk and Erie; felonies ONLY from Westchester, Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland (since June 1985). These records are current through March 31, 2000. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county of disposition, offense date, offense description, disposition, disposition date and sentence. Records are not updated.

New York State Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide felony convictions of persons sentenced since 1983 to serve time in one of 70 state facilities and those persons who have been released since Jan. 1, 1990. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county of offense, offense description, sentence and sentence date. Records updated quarterly.

New York Sex Offender Records High-risk sex offenders sentenced since January 1996. Records updated monthly.

North Carolina
North Carolina Court Records Court records of statewide felony AND misdemeanor AND traffic filings AND disposition records from all county district and superior courts since 1982. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county of disposition, offense description, offense date, disposition, disposition date and sentence. Records updated each business day.

North Carolina Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide felony and misdemeanor criminal convictions on persons who have been sentenced to serve time at a state facility since 1976. Records include name, DOB, race, sex, height, weight, hair color, eye color, case number, charge county, charge class, charge description, statute, disposition description, sentence date and sentence description. Records updated monthly.

North Dakota
North Dakota Court Records Court records of statewide felony and misdemeanor dispositions from county district courts since 1990. Results show defendant name, DOB, case number, charge county, charge class, charge description, file date, disposition and disposition date. Records not updated since October 2002. The courts of North Dakota are currently developing a policy that will determine when this data will be updated.

North Dakota Sex Offender Records All sex offenders sentenced since January 1982. Records updated monthly.

Corrections records of statewide felony convictions of persons incarcerated in a state facility since 1979. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county of offense, offense description, sentence and sentence date. Records updated monthly.

Oklahoma Corrections Records Statewide corrections records on persons who have been convicted of felonies and state-level misdemeanors and sentenced to serve time in a state correctional institution from 1997 through 2001. Results show defendant name, DOB (exc: records from 1997, where month and year of birth are shown), race, sex, case number, county of disposition offense description, sentence and sentence date. Updates pending since April 2002.

Oklahoma Counties Court Records Court records of felony and misdemeanor cases disposed in Canadian, Comanche, Cleveland, Garfield, Oklahoma, Payne, Rogers, Tulsa counties since 1989. Results show name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county of offense, charges file date, disposition and disposition date. Records updated monthly.

Oregon Corrections Records Corrections records on persons sentenced to serve time in a state institution since 1981. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, offense description, disposition and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Rhode Island
Superior and District Court records of statewide felony and misdemeanor cases disposed since 1984. Results show name, DOB, sex, address, case number, county of offense, charges file date, disposition, disposition date, sentence and sentence date. Records updated monthly. South Carolina

South Carolina
South Carolina Corrections Records Corrections records of South Carolina statewide felony and gross misdemeanor records on persons found guilty and sentenced to serve time and/or subsequent probation in a state penal institution since 1975. Includes probation and parole information where applicable. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county of disposition, offense date, offense description, disposition, disposition date and sentence. Records updated monthly.

South Carolina Sex Offender Records All sex offenders sentenced since January 1974. Records updated monthly.

Tennessee Court Records Court records of statewide felony convictions from all 95 counties since 1990. Search results show the defendant name & aliases (when available), DOB, social security number (when available), case number, county, charges, date, dispositions/judgments and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Tennessee Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide felony criminal convictions and guilty pleas on persons who have been sentenced to serve time at a state facility since 1978. Records include name, DOB, race, sex, height, hair color, eye color, county, charge class, charge, statute, sentence date and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Shelby County (metro Memphis) Booking and Arrest Records Booking and arrest records since 1990. More than 2,000,000 records and county court misdemeanor dispositions. Results show docket number, date of arrest, charges defendant name, physical description, DOB, SSN (where available), disposition, sentence and/or probation. Some arrest records may not show a court date and disposition, and users should understand that a person who has been arrested and charged may not necessarily be guilty as charged. Records updated monthly.

Davidson County (metro Nashville) Court Records Court records of persons charged with felony and misdemeanor offenses in Davidson County, TN court since 1992. Records include name, DOB, race, sex, address, case number, charge, charge class, statute, file date, disposition date, disposition and sentence date. Records updated weekly.

Tennessee Sex Offender Records All sex offenders sentenced since July 1991. Records updated monthly.

Texas Department of Public Safety Records Texas Department of Public Safety felony and state-level misdemeanor convictions from all counties since 1990. Search results show the defendant name, DOB, case number, county, charges dispositions/judgments, sentence date, sentence and release date. Records updated monthly.

Texas Corrections Records Corrections records of felony and state-level misdemeanor offenders sentenced or released since 1978. Records include name, DOB, sex, FBI number, case number, charge class, charge description, sentence date and release date. Records updated monthly.

Bexar Co. (metro San Antonio) Court Records County Court records on persons who have been convicted of felonies and misdemeanors since 1978. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, charges disposition, sentence date and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Dallas Co. (metro Dallas) Court Records County Court records on persons who have been convicted of felonies or misdemeanors since 1993. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, disposition, disposition date and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Denton Co. (metro Dallas) Court Records County Court records on persons who have been convicted of felonies or misdemeanors since 1990. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, charges file date, disposition, disposition date and sentence. Records not currently updated.

Harris Co. (metro Houston) Court Records County Court records on persons who have been convicted of felonies since 1994. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, disposition, sentence and sentence date. Records updated monthly.

Travis Co. (metro Austin) Court Records Court records of felony and misdemeanor dispositions since 1987. Search results show the defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, charges file date, disposition, disposition date and sentence. Records updated monthly.

Texas Sex Offender Records All sex offenders convicted or sentenced since January 1970. Records updated monthly.

Utah Corrections Records Corrections records of Utah statewide felony and gross misdemeanor records on persons found guilty and sentenced to serve time and/or subsequent probation in a state penal institution. Includes probation and parole information where applicable. Records dating to 1982. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county of disposition, offense description, disposition date, sentence date and sentence. Records updated quarterly.

Utah Court Records Court records of felony and misdemeanor dispositions on persons who have been convicted or pled guilty since 1996. Records include name, DOB, sex, case number, charge class, statute, statute description, file date, disposition date, disposition description and court district. Records updated monthly.

Utah Sex Offender Records Offenders convicted of certain sex offenses since April 1996. Records updated monthly.

Virginia Court Records Court records of statewide and/or county-level felony and misdemeanor, including motor vehicle citations generally dating to 1993, from General District and Circuit Courts. INCLUDES ALL VIRGINIA COUNTIES AND INDEPENDENT MUNICIPALITIES EXCEPT NO CIRCUIT COURT RECORDS FOR FAIRFAX COUNTY, PRINCE WILLIAM OR ALEXANDRIA. Results show defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county of disposition, offense date, offense description, disposition, disposition date and sentence. Records updated monthly as reported by each county to the state court system.

Virginia Sex Offender Records Felony offenders sentenced since January 1974. Records updated monthly.

Court records of felony, misdemeanor and traffic case filings since 1997 from all county and superior courts. Records include defendant name, DOB, sex, case number, charge county, statute, statute description, disposition and disposition date. Records updated quarterly.

Washington DC
District of Columbia Corrections Records Corrections records of persons who have been convicted of felonies and/or gross misdemeanors and sentenced to serve time in the DC correctional facility from 1987 - 2002. Includes records of persons who have been paroled or released. Records include name, DOB, race, sex, charge, sentence, sentence date, case number and release date. Records are not updated.

District of Columbia Sex Offender Records Class A sex offenders sentenced since January 1984. Records updated monthly.

West Virginia
West Virginia Sex Offender Records All sex offenders sentenced since January 1987. Records updated monthly.

Wisconsin Courts Records Statewide Court records of felony and misdemeanor cases disposed since 1992. Results include name, DOB, case number, county of offense, charges disposition, disposition date and sentence date. Updates pending.

Wisconsin Corrections Records Corrections records of statewide felony convictions on persons who have been sentenced to serve time at a state facility and/or released on parole since 1987. Results show the defendant name, DOB, race, sex, case number, county, offense, sentence, sentence date and release date. Updates pending.

Wisconsin Sex Offender Records All sex offenders sentenced since January 1993. Records updated monthly.

Wyoming Sex Offender Records Any person convicted of a sex offense since January 1985 where the victim was a minor and the offender was an adult and any person convicted of an aggravated sex offense. Records updated monthly

Please note that some cities or counties may not report all records to the nationwide database and so it is recommended to request a county search in addition to, this search.
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