Secrets of Top
Private Eyes

Investigator Training
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Secrets of Top Private Eyes Complete Course Includes:
Instruction? Manual and Resource Directory on CD (interactive web and printable formats)
DVD Set How to become a private investigator: More than four hours of instruction with top Private Investigator's.
Members-Only Web Site to keep you up to date, with thousands of links to online investigative resources
Certificate of Completion
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"An unparalleled reference, this set is highly recommended for in-house investigators and for private investigator firms responsible for training new investigators."
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"'Secrets of Top Private Eyes' Private Investigator's course contains everything you need to know to be a top-notch private eye -- except the cloak and pipe."
?Port St. Lucie? News
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"'Secrets of Top Private Eyes, ~ How to Become a Private Investigator,'
is truly one of the top investigative training programs to be developed
to date."
National Association of Investigative Specialists
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"Best and most comprehensive private investigation course I've encountered. This is an honest impression and I'm not blowing smoke. Excellent by any standard. You may quote me and use my name."
Carlton Weber, Lt. Col., USAF (ret)?
Winter Park, FL
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"Excellent member's Web site. Very well planned."
J. Edgar Lacher,
Vice President
Baker Street Detectives, LTD
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"I wish I had found your Private Investigator Training Course prior to all the leg work I had to do to get the ball rolling on a career as an investigator."
Sue Moore,
Private Investigator
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"I very much appreciate your course, and have recommended it to my students. You could well be setting a standard that will become the measure of Private Investigator education in the next decade."
Dr. Clarence Trausch
Clarion Investigative Services
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"My admiration of your skills continues. The links you provided are simply marvelous. I am reading a section of the teaching manual (CD) each day and printing it out as I read. It's the greatest! The notebook gives me an opportunity to review when I have a few free moments."
Debbie B.
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"I wish I had found this course prior to all the leg work I had to do to get the ball rolling on a career as a Private Investigator."
Sue M.
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"A great course, not just for the beginner but also for the professional. "
Jim W.
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"I would just like to tell you how much I am enjoying you private investigation course. I am looking to become a private investigator and I found your course most helpful."
Michael G.
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Dear Mr. Hoover,
Thank you. I received the videos and course w/certificate.
This is excellent, everything in your ad and more. Continued success!
John J
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"Liked your private investigators course. Keep up the good work!"
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"I appreciate the care you have taken with your private investigator training course. It is by far the most informative and well organized resource I have come across in my search."
Steven W.
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Thousands of men and woman like you have purchased the Private Investigator's Course since 1993. Some were young people looking for an exciting career, others were older folks, looking for a career change with a good income in a growing field. Many who have completed the Course have been hired by investigative firms.
The Course is in active use for training incoming investigators coming into Private Investigator firms.? Community collages and other schools have purchased the course as a training aid for their students and include it in their curriculum .
Others, including insurance investigators, paralegals, human resource specialists, mystery writers, and investigative reporters have ordered the course to expand their knowledge
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"I very much appreciate your course, and have recommended it to my students. You could well be setting a standard that will become the measure of Private Investigation education in the next decade."
Dr. Clarence Trausch - Clarion Investigative Services
Secrets of Top Private Eyes
Twelve of the nation's top investigative experts expound about the investigative industry as a whole, explain networking and how to go about connecting with the best viable information sources. These interesting and successful Private Eyes enjoy telling about the plying of their craft and their day to day activities. Here is living proof this unique and lucrative industry is wide-open and offers many, many opportunities.? |
You owe it to yourself to investigate each and every aspect of any trade, craft, or business you have an interest in - before making a career commitment. If you are serious about becoming a Private Investigator, or want to know more about the investigative industry as a whole, take the first step toward actualizing your ambitions: purchase and study Secrets of Top Private Eyes, the complete course (see below). |
Secrets of Top Private Eyes - The Professional Private Investigator Training Course, the how-to teaching manual and videotape set, have been in extensive use nationwide since 1993 as a training course for new investigators.?Over the years, the course has been continually added to, revised and updated. |
Have you always wanted to become private investigator and didn't know where to start? start here ! ! ! > > > > > > > >
I just finished reading and studying your investigator's course and being and investigator for over 20 years, the course was a big eye opener and a lot of information obtained that I did? not know of. For every new investigator this course is a must!!!? Thanks, Phillip Torrence, NBT systems |
Secrets of Top Private Eyes ~ Private Investigator Training CourseDo you love adventure? Are you interested in a highly-respected well-paid profession that rewards both initiative and skill? Would you like to be able to locate "skips" and lawbreakers, find issing persons or reunite adoptee and birthparents, catch cheats, run background checks, conduct a surveillance, employing the latest high tech equipment??Have you dreamed of owning your own private investigation firm or home based business?
If you've ever considered a career as a Professional Investigator, the time is right to break into this exciting industry! Demand for private investigators will rise 23% by 2010.. New specialties and areas of expertise are being created frequently, necessitated by an unquenchable demand for information.
The key prerequisite for a career as a private investigator - for becoming a private investigator - is your desire to succeed.
The investigative and security industries are big and getting bigger. Each year new high-tech clients vie for the services of experienced Private Investigators who understand the diverse technologies and have acquired the up-to-the-minute skills required to meet those exacting demands.
Private investigators enjoy well-paying and worthwhile careers. Experienced private investigators can earn up to $100,000 a year while deriving satisfaction from helping people and working on cases.
Maybe you've said to yourself, "This all sounds very interesting, but what exactly does a private investigator do?? Would I make a good investigator? Are there equal opportunities for female investigators?? How much money can I expect to make? How much training would I need.? Would I need a license? How do I get started?
Quote from Secrets of Top Private Eyes
Q. What should I do to get started on a career as a private investigator?
"Someone who wants to get started in this field, yes, go for it!? It's not a shadowing profession. It's not Sam Spade, it's a good, energetic, interesting and productive way of contributing and making a living. You're doing the first thing you should do, right now - which is research." - Linnea Sinclair |
What do private investigators do?Private investigators employ techniques such as public record searches for background checks and pre-employment screening. Private Investigators interview people to gain information, gather evidence and verify facts about individuals, events or companies. Private investigators may provide assistance in civil liability and personal injury cases, insurance claims and fraud, child custody cases, premarital screening and martial infidelity. Some private investigative firms offer executive and celebrity protection and serve court papers.
Would I make a good investigator?
The field of private investigation is vast and diverse - from high-tech computer fraud to interviewing witnesses - there's a need for virtually all types of people and for a vast array of skills. Probably the most worthwhile investigative attribute is the desire to get at the truth. Most investigators possess an almost dog-like tenacity (hence, the symbol of the hound dog with the magnifying glass, used so often by private investigation firms).? If you enjoy digging for clues, following every thread - solving puzzles - you will likely make a good investigator. One major trait common among investigators is the desired to help people and fulfill client's needs.
Are there many opportunities female investigators?
"In the early 70's there were very few female private investigators. I know of only one.?I did not hire women then because I just did not think they would make good investigators.?It was 1976 before I hired the first woman investigator, a woman who really proved herself and proved to me that women make excellent investigators.?She did a superb job for me and was with me several years." Since that time, I've hired many women. In each instance, they have been superior to male investigators. They can acquire data that men cannot get. They are less threatening.?more and more women have come into Private investigation business, not only as investigators, but as owners of agencies.?- Nick Beltrante Beltrante & Associates |
Quote from Secrets of Top Private Eyes
Private Investigator Career Advice
"Women are naturally inquisitive.?By nature we're more detail oriented. Woman are generally more compassionate. Women look at a case - especially if it involves child custody or marital situations - from a different angle then a man. A woman is also a natural for undercover work. People tell me all the time - and I take it as a compliment - 'You don't look like a Private Investigator.'? I like that." - Liz Crummey, Private Investigator - Crummey Investigations, Inc. |
Q. How much income can I expect to make?
?Earn up to $52,000 per year! Self-employed private investigators charge rates between $50 and $150 per hour!
Private investigative agencies bill clients $40 to $150 per hour for their time. The average hourly rate across the nation is about $50 to $55 per hour. Those who charge less than $40 per hour usually live in non-affluent areas. Those who charge more than $55 to $65 an hour usually either have a good specialty and/or are located in an affluent part of the country. Most who bill $100 an hour or more have advanced degrees or a strong links to some specialty market.
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Quotes from Secrets of Top Private Eyes
Private Investigator Career Advice
"Some of the most recent trends are in on-line searching, pre-marital investigations, worker's compensation, and claims for insurance companies.? Locating missing persons, of course, has always been a mainstay in the private investigative profession.? Financial investigations is a field that needs a large number of investigators.? It could bring big dollars in for the right investigator." - Roger Gibson, Private Investigator - Roger P. Gibson, Inc. |
"Product liability is one high-paying investigative specialty. In many instances, the request is for someone to find a defect in a vehicle or conveyance - be it a car, motorcycle, or bicycle. We've handled cases from helmets to mechanical chairs." - Mike Askew, Private Investigator - Mike Askew Investigations |
"Computer fraud. ?There has been a dramatic increase in this type of investigation, and someone capable of handling it would certainly be in a good position to earn many dollars. It's a specialty area that requires a good knowledge of computers." - Nick Beltrante, Private Investigator - Beltrante & Associates |
What training will I need to become a private investigator?
What about Private Investigator Schools?While there are no academic requirements for this field, a two-year associate’s program or a four-year bachelor's program in a criminal justice-related area is helpful to an aspiring private investigator. Most Private Investigation firms offer a variety of services requiring their investigators to have a broad base of knowledge in several areas.?Many private investigator schools offer classes in specialized subjects such as insurance and criminal investigations are offered by community collages. Seminars designed to enhance investigative skills and specialties are conducted by state and national private investigative associations. Enlightened investigators expand their knowledge base with courses and seminars throughout their career. The best training is on-the-job-training under an experienced investigator. The trick is convincing the Private Investigative firm that you know enough to make it worth their while to hire you. Get started with a good well-rounded course that addresses the most common types of investigations, such as "Secrets of Top Private Eyes."
"This well-researched and thought-out Private Investigator Training Course helps investigators move easily toward their goals. Beyond setting out the nuts and bolts of private investigation, the Course is loaded with insider tips, strategies, and resources."?~ Security Management Magazine ?? Read the complete Review |
Will I need a Private Investigator License?To be licensed as a private investigator, you must be at least 18 years of age, of sound mind, with a clean criminal record.
?Most of the fifty states have a licensing law for private investigation. At this time,? these state require no state private investigators license: Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, Pennsylvania, South Dakota. In the states that have no state licensing law, local jurisdictions - counties or cities - sometimes require a license. See State Licensing Information
How do I get started on becoming a private investigator?In this home study training course, you will gain the knowledge and learn the techniques used by real-world private investigators to conduct investigations; what has worked for the top private investigators to solve cases. Twelve of the nation's Top Private Investigators - the best in their particular fields,?whose combined experience and insight totals more than 150 years, freely share their expertise and advice, along with great stories of their most challenging and interesting cases. ?Just think about what you can learn from 150 years worth of day-to-day private investigative experience!
Sincere thanks go to a most outstanding group of professional private investigators and search experts for sharing their time, their experiences, and their secrets. These successful individuals have reached the top of their profession as experts in finding people, tracing assets, conducting business and personal background checks, and assisting with relationship matters.
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Nick Beltrante, Private Investigator, Director of? "Beltrante and Associates," is a legend in the professional investigative industry. Time magazine named the former Washington, D.C. police officer, "The Dean of Washington Private Investigator's." The Washington Times featured him in an article entitled, "The New Private Eye."?Mr. Beltrante was hired to de-bug the Democratic National headquarters at Watergate after the break-in and has worked as an investigator on the John Kennedy Assassination. As the former Director of the National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI), Nick Beltrante enjoys a reputation as one of the world's most respected Private Investigator's. |
Pat Beltrante, Private Investigator, Nick Beltrante's wife and partner, is Executive Director of "Beltrante and Associates," the largest and oldest professional private investigative firm in the national capital area. Pat Beltrante is highly regarded for her ability to locate hidden assets.?She furnishes How to Investigate candid and in-depth information for the Child Custody, Pre-relationship, Background Investigations, and Locating missing persons sections.?Pat Beltrante is an internationally recognized expert in the reconstruction of shredded evidence, a rare art, indeed. |
Peter Crummey, Private Investigator, of? "Crummey Investigations, Inc," is a former highly decorated US Army Special Forces Major who served two consecutive combat tours in Vietnam. Today, his clients include law firms, insurance companies, and regular folk.?Peter Crummey is an award-winning photojournalist and a highly accomplished public speaker.?Corporate and professional groups often call upon him to relate his unique experiences and investigative techniques.?His advice are replete with freely-given trade secrets and proven advice. |
Darrell Goodwin, Private Investigator, established "International Research Bureau" in 1987, and since then, IRB, a database company serving the information needs of? Private Investigators and, has grown to prominence. IRB conducts driver, motor vehicle, and criminal records searches, accesses UCC filings, and provides business reports. Darrell Goodwin provides candid answers about the increasingly important role computers play in the investigative process. |
Roger Gibson, Private Investigator, of? "Roger P. Gibson, Inc," is a former US Marshal and US Justice Department Supervisor.?His prestigious Miami-based operation boasts investigative services not generally offered by conventional Private Investigator firms, such as underwater recovery, criminal defense, civil litigation, insurance and arson claims. The firm has also been remarkably successful at locating very hard-to-find missing persons.?Roger Gibson enjoys international renown as an expert in air piracy and terrorism cases.?He and his associates are known throughout the investigative industry as the "superstars of asset locating." |
Linnea Sinclair, Private Investigator, operates the highly successful full service Private Investigator firm, "Island Investigations." Her clients include prosperous individuals, attorneys, and business executives.?She holds degrees in Criminology and Journalism.?Her considerable experience includes lengthy stints as newspaper investigative reporter and television correspondent. She's written for many private investigative journals including the Private Investigator's Connection. Linnea is an accomplished and award-winning novelist with several science fiction/romance novels to her credit. |
Mike Newman, Private Investigator, owns and operates "ISU Services, Inc."?The former NYC Police Department officer has participated in important undercover operations with major metropolitan police departments, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the United States Secret Service. He now satisfies the investigative and undercover requirements of a growing number of prominent law firms and insurance companies. |
Linda Bowman, Private Investigator, is Associate Director of "Brown Associates," and has been a Private Investigator for more than a decade.? She began her investigative career quite unexpectedly by accomplishing surveillance of her husband whom she suspected of cheating.?She is a graduate of the Ohio Peace Officer Standards.?Linda Bowman gained further experience as a Security Supervisor and Staff Investigator for Walt Disney World before becoming a Licensed Professional Investigator. |
Bob Brown, Private Investigator, Director of "Brown Associates," is a former Orange County Sheriff's Department Detective with more than three decades of law enforcement and investigative experience to his credit.?He is also an accomplished documentary photographer. He operates both a Professional Investigative firm and the "U-Spy Store," a retail and mail-order catalog operation located in Orlando, Florida.?He passes along practical how-to advice and investigative tips. |
Mike Askew, Private Investigator of? "Mike Askew Investigations," is a former Scotland Yard Detective who emigrated to the United States to study our legal system. He is regularly commissioned by attorneys to investigate personal injury, death, and product liability cases. He possesses extensive knowledge and a well-rounded understanding of the intricacies of the legal system, and imparts practical advice concerning investigative techniques. |
Sandy Musser,former Director of "The Musser Foundation," is the author of the book I Would Have Searched Forever, about her search for the daughter she gave up for adoption in 1954.? The Musser Foundation was responsible for reuniting thousands of birth parents, children, brothers, sisters, and grandparents.?Sandy Musser shares her learned insight into the specialized business of tracing separated people and provides a wealth of advice to those who are searching. |
Norma Tillman, Private Investigator, of? "Reunion Network," has gained celebrity for her admirable success in locating and reuniting people separated by adoption and divorce.?She has appeared on many national television shows and is a regularly featured speaker at Professional Investigator association conventions.?She is the author of Secrets For Successful Searching and The Adoption Searcher's Handbook.? She publishes the quarterly magazine, Searching. |
Secrets of Top Private Eyes ~ Professional Investigator Course will teach you how to conduct investigations!The course was designed to include the most common types of investigations requested by clients. Our goal is to give you a broad knowledge base of investigative techniques and procedures used on a day-to-day basis by the pros. Although there are numerous specialties a private investigator may choose to pursue, many of the same techniques the Course teaches are?used in every investigation.
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"'Secrets of Top Private Eyes,' is truly one of the top investigative training programs to be? developed to date." - Ralph Thomas, President, National Association of Investigative Specialists |
What type of investigations are covered? |
You will learn step-by-step procedures and techniques used by top investigators in their specific fields of expertise to conduct these investigations.
- Checklists
- Investigative Forms
- Direct quotes and invaluable insight from top private investigators
- Lists of sources of information
- Questions to ask
- Lists of people to interview
- Links to thousands of online resources
- Directory of addresses and phone numbers plus links to all state records and federal agencies
- Lists for obtaining the needed documentary evidence and much
more . . . ?See Sample
- Pre-relationship/Pre-Marital Investigations
- Romantic & Domestic Investigations - including conducting a surveillance
- Child custody investigation - who should be interviewed
Excerpt from Secrets of Top Private Eyes
Pre-Relationship Investigations
Since you won't have the advantage of a filled-out employment application, and consequently, permission to delve into the person's credit history, you'll have to dig for the data. |
"What premarital work can be for anyone is a basic background investigation.?Is this person truly divorced or widowed, as they say they are??That's probate records, that's civil court records: divorces.?Is this person from where they say they're from??Have they spent their life there??Call up county records. Do they own property there??It's public records. Is this person really in this business? Is he or she really a CPA??Call up the accounting board.?Every state has an accounting board.?If you start getting a lot of negative answers to these questions, let him pay for your drink, but don't marry him." - Linnea Sinclair, Private Investigator - Island Investigations |
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- Background Investigations - Individuals: Pre-Employment & Tenant Screening
- Background Investigations - Businesses: Compiling a business dossier
Excerpt from Secrets of Top Private Eyes
Background Investigations Individuals
Don't just check out the references the applicant has furnished. Interview others with knowledge of the applicant's qualifications, such as previous supervisors and fellow employees. |
"Don't accept their resume and references on face value.?Check a little deeper.?Find out where they lived before they lived at the present address. Call the landlord. Verify if the person had lived there.?Check a criss-cross directory and call neighbors around that address - find out if anyone knew that person. Say, 'This person is applying for an important job.'? These people will be glad to help you out, because they can see themselves in your position." - Pat Beltrante, Private Investigator, Executive Director. Beltrante and Associates |
Inquire about:
- Dates of employment; reason for leaving
- Title and job description
- Responsibilities, duties, skills, job performance
- Productivity, reliability, strengths, weaknesses
- Attitude, trustworthiness, degree of honesty
- Willingness to rehire the individual
- Supervisor's name
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- General Locating Missing Persons Investigations
- Adoption Searches
Excerpt from Secrets of Top Private Eyes
Locating Missing Persons
"The first thing you've got to do is obtain as much information about this individual as you can. It would hardly be worth going to the state or county with just a name and an old address. If you can obtain a birth date and a Social Security number, of course, go with that. I know your next question is going to be 'How do I obtain that information? When you're trying to find someone, each case is different, each scenario is different. Remember, before attempting to find someone, your goal should be to obtain as much informationabout that person as you can." - Mike Askew, Private Investigator - Mike Askew Investigations |
- Locating Personal Assets
- Locating Businesses Assets
Excerpt from Secrets of Top Private Eyes
Locating Assets
"Most assets are moved over to relatives, wife's maiden name, or in-laws. Find out the maiden name if you don't already know it. Start in marital records, county courthouse. " - Darrell Goodwin, Private Investigator - International Research Bureau, Records Searches |
- How to ask the right questions to almost anybody
- Ruses and pretexts - to get the information that you need, even when people don't want to tell you
Excerpt from Secrets of Top Private Eyes
Interviewing Tips
One interviewing technique you might use is to present the wrong information, then allow yourself to be corrected.?The person doing the correcting will invariably give you the information you need. You didn't even have to ask for it.
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- How to conduct a surveillance by car and on foot
- Equipment used
- Identify the pitfalls and how to avoid them
Excerpt from Secrets of Top Private Eyes
How to conduct a surveillance
? |
Gather all the information about the target's habits and haunts before you attempt a surveillance.?Know the neighborhood you'll be working. ?Plan possible routes your target might take. Cover yourself by preparing an alternative plan you can put into action should things suddenly go awry.?If you've done your homework, you may be able to reestablish a tail even if you lose it. |
"The more research you do the better.?You'd be very foolish to go out on a surveillance without knowing the neighborhood.?Find out where you can sit, where you can be. You're going to have to be patient and you're going to have to learn how to get off the street because you're not going to be allowed to be on that street but for about five minutes before that little old lady in tennis shoes is going to be knocking on your car window wanting to know why the hell you're in her neighborhood.? |
?"One technique is to sit on the passenger's side and not the drivers side, as if you're waiting for someone.?A female is nowhere near as obtrusive as a male. That's one reason I have females agents. We put the female in the shotgun position.?Obviously she's waiting for her husband.?Not a problem." Peter Crummey, Private Investigator - Crummey Investigations, Inc |
How to Become a Private Investigator
- Tips on getting started on the right track
- Personal and professional requirements
- Business startups
- Private Investigator resources, including professional associations to help you network
Excerpt from Secrets of Top Private Eyes
Q.? Is a police background essential?
"A lot of people think you need to have some kind of law enforcement background to be a Private Investigator. Not true at all. Our business is comprised of people who are streetwise and able to go out and get the information.? You've got to be a go-getter. Nothing to do with police work, or police techniques. Being a Private Investigator is gaining information and knowledge. We go to a lot of seminars and read a lot of articles. But, when it comes to 'formal' schooling, there's no formal.?I think even if you went to the John Jay School of Criminal Justice they could not get you ready for doing investigations." -" - Nick Beltrante, Private Investigator - Beltrante and Associates |
There are many state and?national professional private investigator associations you might consider joining.?By aligning yourself with these groups, you will benefit from the educational, networking and business opportunities each affords. Private Investigators who begin networking from the beginning of their career enjoy the greatest success. Attend association meetings and functions: you'll increase your knowledge of the industry as a whole and broaden your base of contacts. See Private Investigator Associations
- Local sources of information - Libraries, neighbors, utility companies and many more
- County records - Includes county courthouse records and what is in them
- State records - Including: Birth & Death Records, Marriage & Divorce Records, Professional Licenses, Criminal records, Drivers records and more. Where to get them and what's in them
- National sources - Includes national records centers and organizations like all the church's national records centers
- Databases - National and Private databases used for accessing public records
This National & State directory provides you with the addresses, phone & fax numbers of every state and national agency where records are kept. Thousands of links of information sources you can tap into are provided. This Directory is regularly updated on our members-only website, which is included with the Course.
Secrets of Top Private Eyes Training Course Includes: |
" Secrets of Top Private Eyes" is a complete training course!? The Course includes:
1) Instruction Manual and Resource, Directory on CD. (interactive web and printable PDF format) You'll be learning secrets other people only wish they knew!? If you intend to pursue a private investigation career, establish a home-based or private investigative firm, or if you simply want to know how to conduct an investigation, you need this information! More than 400 pages.
2) Videotape or DVD Set: Four hour presentation accentuates up-close, unrehearsed interviews with some of the top private investigators and search experts in the world! Filmed on location in real work environments, our experts explain the many strategies and techniques they and other top investigators employ on a daily basis.
3) Members-Only Web Site will keep you up to date. You will have at your fingertips direct links to hundreds of online investigative sources. You'll save many hours searching the Internet. You will gain access to our continuously updated?Web version of the instruction manual and all its interactive links to the most pertinent (and practical) resources.?You'll be learning how to conduct investigations in just a few hours! And, not only will you save time and money by putting this valuable information to work, you'll learn how to avoid the sometimes disastrous mistakes others have made.
4) Certificate of Completion Awarded. You will be proud to frame and display this custom? certificate with your name imprinted.
The Instruction Manual CD, the Videotape Set, and the Members-Only Web Site work together to deliver the full scope of knowledge to help you learn how to conduct any investigation. |
"Four hours of videotape provide up-close, unrehearsed interviews with some of the top investigators in the United States. Filmed on location in their own work environments, the experts explain the many strategies and techniques that they and other top investigators use." ?~ Security Management Magazine? Read the complete Review |
"Excellent member's only web site. Very well planned."
J. Edgar Lacher, Vice President Baker Street - Detectives, LTD
Ordering Information |
Secrets of Top Private Eyes ~?$139 Free USA Shipping
Private Investigator Training Course
Our Guarantee: The Secrets of Top Private Eyes, Investigators Course contains the most complete information of it's kind - the total spectrum of information about investigating and the investigative business available today. No other course will prepare you as well for your career as a private eye!
You will receive your user name and password giving you access to our members only site within hours after you order you course so can get started the same day. The course is shipped via US Priority Mail and you will receive the course in five days.