Missing Persons
Missing Persons Form
Military Sources
Adoption Investigations
Adoption Forms
Locating Assets
Individual Background Checks Business Profiles
Cheating Mates
Child Custody
Spy Tools
Interviewing Techniques
Local Sources
County Sources
State Sources
National Sources
State Records
National Records
Business Requirements
PI Resources
COPYRIGHT 1992 - 2006
Before you begin your course, please take a few moments to read this page. Your studies will be much easier and much more fruitful.
The easiest way to use this online course is to make use of the index to your left.
LOCATES:? Start by reading all the "Missing Persons" section. Print out the forms that will aid you in locating the persons you seek.?To find someone separated by adoption, consult "Adoption."?To locate military personnel see "Military Sources."?Conduct a "Background" investigation to gather the preliminary data you'll need to locate someone. "Information" focuses on local "Local Sources," "State Records" "National Records" sources.
BACKGROUND:? Individual Background Investigations include pre-employment and tenant screening: how to conduct a complete investigation on the person you need to know more about.? A Business Background Investigation shows you how to check out any business. If you plan to run an in-depth background investigation, print out the "Locates Form."? These forms illustrate the wide scope of background information the pros piece together and rely upon to complete many types of investigations. Consult "Information" in the index to familiarize yourself with the various sources of data and what is available in local, county, and state records. A database search may aid your effort. Consult these records by referring to "State Records" and "National Records" in the "Directory" section.
RELATIONSHIP:? Before you become involved with a person you? want to know if they are really who they say they are. Read the "Pre-Relationship" section. Consult "Background: Individuals"?if you need to dig deeper. Is your mate cheating? Learn the warning signs. Check out "Cheating Mates. Then read "Surveillance" and "Spy Tools" to learn how to go after the evidence. If you are involved in a custody struggle, study the "Child Custody" section. Read "Interviewing,"?for additional information and tips.
PI CAREER:? Interested in becoming a PI??? Read the "PI Career" section to learn all about the business of investigating.?
INFORMATION:? Gather and record all pertinent data. Do this before you take any further action. Click on "Information Sources" to learn more.? Most searches begin by talking to people. Our "Interviewing" section features interviewing techniques the pros use to find out what they need to know. Look at "Local, County, State, & National" sources to see what resources and records are available and what is required to obtain them. "Using Databases," provides a very good explanation of databases and how information providers and other professionals work in your behalf. Links are provided.
DIRECTORY: ?This excellent compilation lists all "State Records"?sources and where these records are kept.?Physical address, phone and fax, numbers and web address are provided. "National" Government agencies and independent organizations that furnish a variety of assistance are listed. Also included: listings and links to Regional Archives, US Government printing office book stores and church sources.
You can locate an individual knowing only his or her name, date of birth and approximate age.
Keep accurate records! Write down the names and numbers of people who provide information; you may think of something later on that you forgot to ask. Make notes of the records you have requested and the date of your request as some records must be pulled by hand and take to receive. You may need to follow up.
Don't be afraid to ask for help! People love to help. If you are friendly and straightforward and take time to explain your situation you'll get the cooperation you need.? Just ask.
Investigative work calls for logical, analytical thinking and the methodical gathering of facts. Be patient, stay focused, and you will get the results you desire.
Good Luck!
Anni Adkins & Joe Hoover
What would you like to do now?
Conduct a Relationship Investigation
Conduct a Background Investigation
Locate a Missing Persons Investigation
Become a Professional Private Investigator