Questions & Answers
Would I make a good investigator?
How much income can I expect to make?
What do investigators and do?
What training will I need to become a private investigator?
Will I need a License?
Can I get a private investigators license after I finish the course?
How long does this course take?
How long has "Secrets of Top Private Eyes," been in business?
Would I make a good private? investigator?
Basically the field of private investigation is so vast and diverse, from the very high tech like computer fraud, to highly oriented people skills, like interviewing witnesses, that there is a need for virtually all types of skills and people. Probably the most necessary attribute is the deepest desire to get at the truth. An almost dog like tenacity, hence, the symbol of the hound dog with the magnifying glass used so often in private investigation. So, if you like to follow every thread, dig out every clue and solve puzzles then you would be a good investigator. The one other thing that was common among all of our investigators was the deep desire to help people and fulfill their clients needs. These two things together made for not only a good investigate but a highly successful investigator.
Excerpt from Secrets of Top Private Eyes
Q.?? Are there many opportunities female investigators?
"Women can do a lot more. We're not intimidating to people. I would open my door to a women as opposed to a man.?People will spill their guts to a women when they won't give a man the time of day.?We're sweet and nice and we're not out to hurt anyone.?- Pat Beltrante PI - Beltrante & Associates |
Earn up to $52,000 per year! Self-employed private investigators charge rates between $50 and $150 per hour!
?Private investigation agencies charge from $40 to $150 per hour for their time. The average across the country is about $50 to $55 per hour. Those who charge less than $40 per hour usually live in very non-affluent areas. Those who charge More than $55 to $65 an hour usually either have a good specialty and/or are located in an affluent part of the country. It seems most of them who successfully charge $100 an hour or more have advanced degrees or a strong link to some specialty market from prior employment.
Private investigators use techniques such as surveillance, pre-employment screening by interviewing people to gather as much information as possible about an individual and public record searches for background checks, gather evidence and verify facts about individuals, events or companies. They also may provide assistance in civil liability and personal injury cases, insurance claims and fraud, child custody and protection cases, martial infidelity cases and premarital screening. They also offer a variety of services including executive, and celebrity protection and serving court papers.
Excerpt from Secrets of Top Private Eyes
"Some of the most recent trends are in on-line searching, pre-marital investigations, worker's compensation, and claims for insurance companies.?Locating missing persons, of course, has always been a mainstay in the private investigative profession.? Financial investigations is a field that needs a large number of investigators.?brokerage firms, banks, lawyers - even private individuals - require this service.?It could bring big dollars in for the right investigator." - Roger Gibson, Private Investigator, Gibson Investigations, Miami Florida. |
While there are no academic requirements for this field a two-year associate’s program or a four-year bachelor's program in a criminal justice-related area is helpful to aspiring private investigators. Most Private Investigation firms offer a variety of services requiring their investigators to have a broad base of knowledge in several areas. A good well rounded course that addresses these most common type of investigations like "Secrets of Top Private Eyes", is a good place to start. Many classes in specialized subjects such as insurance and criminal investigations are offered by community collages and seminars by state and national private investigative associations. Most investigators consider expanding their knowledge as an ongoing pursuit and continue to read books and attend seminars threw out their career. The best training is on the job training under an experienced investigator. The trick is convincing them that you know enough to make it worth their while to hire you in the first place.
I wish I had found this course prior to all the leg work I had to do to get the ball rolling on a career as a PI. Sue M. Read More
Most of the fifty states have a licensing law for private investigation. In the states where there is no state licensing law, the local jurisdictions like counties or cities sometimes require a license.
All you need to be licensed as a private investigator is to be 18 years of age, of sound mind and with a clean criminal record. (In some states you may also need to intern with a private investigative firm and/or pass a course or exam.)
Links to State Licensing Information. At the time,?these state require no state private investigators license, There maybe however city and/or state business licenses. (Check your state to be sure): Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, Pennsylvania, South Dakota
A great course, not just for the beginner but also for the professional.
Jim W.
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No, licensing is controlled by the state in which you plan on practicing. No school or course can guarantee you a private investigator's license. Some states require certain certified classes usually bases on state laws regulating private investigators or private detectives. Some states require that you spend a period of time employed by a licensed investigative firm. See State Licensing Information.
At the time,?these state require no state private investigators license, There maybe however city and/or state business licenses.? Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, Pennsylvania, South Dakota (Check your state to be sure)
The course consists of about five hours of video tape and 350 pages of written material. There is no time limit. The length of time it takes you to finish the course is up to you.
The course was created in 1993 and has been revived and updated until this date: Tuesday, 08. April 2008.
Thousands of people have purchases this course since 1993. Some were young people looking for an exciting career and others were people looking for a career change that offers a good income in a growing field. Many have been utilized by investigative firms to train incoming investigators into the field and community collages and other school have purchased the course as a training aid for their students. Others have ordered the course to expand their currant skills in their present career, such as insurance investigation, paralegals, human resource specialist, mystery writers and investigative reporters
Secrets of Top Private Eyes~ Twelve of the nation's top investigative experts expound about the investigative industry as a whole, explain networking and how to go about connecting with the best viable information sources. These interesting and successful Private Eyes enjoy telling about the plying of their craft and their day to day activities. Here is living proof this unique and lucrative industry is wide-open and offers many, many opportunities.
If you are serious about becoming a Private Investigator, or want to know more about the investigative industry as a whole, take the first step toward actualizing your ambitions: purchase and study Secrets of Top Private Eyes, the complete course (see below). You owe it to yourself to investigate each and every aspect of any trade, craft, or business you have an interest in - before making a career commitment.
Secrets of Top Private Eyes- The Private Investigator Training Course, the how-to teaching manual and videotape set, have been in extensive use nationwide since 1993 as a training course for new investigators.?The course has been continually revised and updated until the present. None have been returned.
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Secrets of Top Private Eyes ~?$139 Free USA Shipping
Private Investigator Training Course
Our Guarantee: The Secrets of Top Private Eyes, Investigators Course contains the most complete information of it's kind - the total spectrum of information about investigating and the investigative business available today. No other course will prepare you as well for your career as a private eye!
You will receive your user name and password giving you access to our members only site within hours after you order you course so can get started the same day. The course is shipped via US Priority Mail and you will receive the course in five days.
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