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Adoption Records ~ Be Your Own Detective
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Looking for Birth Parents or Adopted ChildThe first objective of an adoption search is to discover the identity of the child you relinquished or the names of the birth parent or parents who relinquished you.

The biggest difference between an adoption investigation and a missing person investigation is that in an adoption search you often don't have a name with which to begin.
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Online Adoption Computer Registries
Search Consultants
Independent Search Consultants Inc. (ISC)
This is a nonprofit organization founded for the purpose of training and certifying people wishing to become professional adoptee and birthparent Search Consultants.?A rigid program of 500 hours of training is required for certification.?Each consultant agrees to abide by the code of ethics, to "uphold the highest standards of the profession."?This group publishes a reference guide to state records and many other adoption-related books and printed materials.?One of its most valuable services is aiding searchers who are attempting to locate a consultant in their local area.?Consultants set their own fees.
Search & Support Groups
The Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS)
The Church of Latter-Day Saints Website
Family History Center Online
The Mormon's Salt Lake City Temple headquarters contains the largest collection of family history records in the world! They have developed the International Genealogical Index, comprised of more than 108 million names.?Each state has a Family History Center, operated by the church, containing a library with a specialized collection of records.?Each Family History Center offers assistance from a staff of qualified genealogists who have access to the central repository.?National Headquarters, Ancestry, offers professional search consultants and a variety of database searches.?Research and resource books may be ordered from library.?Ancestry maintains the world's largest on-line database, much of the data free; some info available by subscription for a fee.
Adoptee's' Liberty Movement Association (AlMA)
ALMA is a nonprofit organization based in New York City with 56 chapters and satellite groups nationwide, making ALMA the largest search and support group in the United States.
- Services: "Search Buddies" is an all-volunteer group offering assistance, advice, and moral support.
- Publications: Searchlight is a national newsletter with articles concerning legal actions, reviews of other publications, and stories about reunions.?Individual chapters also publish newsletters.
- Reunion Registry: The ALMA International Reunion Registry database is the largest of its kind in the country. Data can be accessed in a variety of ways, including by DOB, hospitals, court document numbers, etc.
Concerned United Birthparents (CUB)2000 Walker St
CUB is a nonprofit organization dedicated to offering support to parents who are separated from their children through adoptions. The organization is concerned with policy changes in government.
- Services: CUB offers support meetings and workshops.
- Publications: CUB offers education through publication of books, pamphlets.
- Newsletter: The Cub Communicator is published monthly, offering Soft Shoulders Available, a publication that provides names and phone numbers of people who are sympathetic to your search.
- Reunion Registry: The Concerned United Birthparents Reunion Registry & International Soundex Reunion Registry.
Adoption Crossroads
This group was founded to offer search and adoption education to all members of the adoption triad: the adoptee, the adoptive parent, and the Birthparents.?Headquartered in New York City, it has several branches and many members.?The Adoption Crossroads organized "The Council for Equal Rights in Adoption".
Post Adoption Center for Education and Research (PACER)
PACER offers education and training programs for volunteers and the community in order to better understand the adoption experience from childhood through adulthood.?It conducts workshops and seminars, and provides professional consultations. PACER offers a referral service to other search and support groups.
Bastard Nation
Bastard Nation advocates for the civil and human rights of adult citizens who were adopted as children. Millions of North Americans are prohibited by law from accessing personal records that pertain to their historical, genetic and legal identities. Such records are held by their governments in secret and without accountability, due solely to the fact that they were adopted.
Bastard Nation campaigns for the restoration of their right to access their records. The right to know one's identity is primarily a political issue directly affected by the practice of sealed records adoptions. Please join us in our efforts to end a hidden legacy of shame, fear and venality.
Reunion Registries
International Soundex Reunion Registry (ISSR)
ISSR is an international centralized registry open to all adoptees/birth parents, and search and support groups. The registry provides confidential and voluntary identification on a national and inter-national scale using the Soundex System developed by the National Archives.?If the system does not produce a match, ISSR will enlist all affiliate groups. ISSR is a registry, not a support group, but it will refer people to the appropriate organization.?Many support groups offer registration through the ISSR.
Services: MEDICAL-ALERT is a priority system based on medical need.
AID (Artificial Insemination Donor) is a program devised to assist searches.
(See National Archives and Records Administration The Genealogy page.
The Soundex Indexing System http://www.archives.gov/genealogy/census/soundex.html)
Code Number Key Code Number Key Letters and Equivalents
Surname to Soundex Calculator
Services: MEDICAL-ALERT is a priority system based on medical need.
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