Secrets of Top
Private Eyes

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"'Secrets of Top Private Eyes' Private Investigator's course contains everything you need to know to be a top-notch private eye -- except the cloak and pipe."
?Port St. Lucie? News
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"Best and most comprehensive private investigation course I've encountered. This is an honest impression and I'm not blowing smoke. Excellent by any standard. You may quote me and use my name."
Carlton Weber, Lt. Col., USAF (ret)?
Winter Park, FL
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"I wish I had found your Private Investigator Training Course prior to all the leg work I had to do to get the ball rolling on a career as an investigator."
Sue Moore,
Private Investigator
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Security Management Magazine
"Secrets of Top Private Eyes,"
How to Become a Private Investigator
Reviewer: Johnny R. May, CPP, CPO
(Certified Protection Officer).
He is a member of the ASIS Standing Committee on Academic Programs. Secrets of Top PIs: How to Conduct an Investigation. By Joseph Hoover and Anni Adkins; published by AHHA Publishing,?
The best investigators are like the best practitioners in any other profession. They not only have mastered the fundamentals of their craft, but they also have developed their unique strengths and talents, which enable them to improve on these fundamentals. Basic training manuals are, in other words, only the first step for those who want to excel, but they can be an important first step.
This manual and tape set helps investigators move toward their goal. Beyond setting out the nuts and bolts of private investigation, it is loaded with insider tips, strategies, and resources. Four hours of videotape provide up-close, unrehearsed interviews with some of the top investigators in the United States. Filmed on location in their own work environments, the experts explain the many strategies and techniques that they and other top investigators use.
The manual is divided into six well-organized, easy-to-read sections, covering everything from finding sources of information to learning to succeed as a private investigator. Also included are numerous samples of investigative forms, mail and Web addresses, and phone numbers of some of the best resources available. Licensing requirements and public records information are presented for all fifty states.
An unparalleled reference, this set is highly recommended for in-house investigators and for private firms responsible for training new investigators. It is also valuable for professors teaching courses on investigations or careers in criminal justice.
Reviewer: Johnny R. May, CPP, CPO (Certified Protection Officer), coordinates the Security & Private Investigation degree program at Henry Ford Community College in Dearborn, Michigan. He is a member
of the ASIS Standing Committee on Academic Programs.
Review at
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Secrets of Top Private Eyes ~ Twelve of the nation's top investigative experts expound about the investigative industry as a whole, explain networking and how to go about connecting with the best viable information sources. These interesting and successful Private Eyes enjoy telling about the plying of their craft and their day to day activities. Here is living proof this unique and lucrative industry is wide-open and offers many, many opportunities.
If you are serious about becoming a Private Investigator, or want to know more about the investigative industry as a whole, take the first step toward actualizing your ambitions: purchase and study Secrets of Top Private Eyes, the complete course (see below). You owe it to yourself to investigate each and every aspect of any trade, craft, or business you have an interest in - before making a career commitment.
Secrets of Top Private Eyes - A Professional Private Investigator's Course, the how-to teaching manual and videotape set, have been in extensive use nationwide since 1993 as a training course for new investigators.?The course has been continually revised and updated until the present. None have been returned.
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Private Investigator Training Course
Our Guarantee: The Secrets of Top Private Eyes, Investigators Course contains the most complete information of it's kind - the total spectrum of information about investigating and the investigative business available today. No other course will prepare you as well for your career as a private eye!
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